Chess continues…

While the Bean Scene Chess Club may be defunct, and chess culture fallen on hard times in the Kelowna area, all hope is not lost. There is an upcoming event at the central library, which I believe is part of a regular series of chess and other game-themed evenings.  Though it might not always be apparent, there are always chess players to be found if one makes the effort. It might not be obvious at first glance,  but they walk among us…

Kelowna Public Library/Thursday Oct. 24/6-9pm

4 thoughts on “Chess continues…

  1. Thats to bad it’s on Thursdays the night I play tennis. LET me know if anyone would show upTuesdsys.
    Thanks Greg

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

  2. We have a small group of people (from Penticton, Summerland, Peachland and Westbank) who have been meeting on Wednesdays (Peachland 50+ Centre) and Thursdays (Westbank Library) from 1pm to 4pm. We would like to have other players join us anytime. Perhaps some of our group could come out on a Tuesday evening (to the Kelowna Library) if you set something up. Thanks, Allan

    • To my knowledge the event at the library is organized strictly by library staff. I am not involved in local chess events as I am no longer situated in the vicinity of the Okanagan for the purposes of habitation. It does sound like a great activity though, and I hope there are many participants!

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